I'd like to address a knotty problem that surrounds the branding issue for technology executives and other leaders. How different is someone’s career brand from their personal brand? To optimize their chances for getting their next executive job, are they better off with the personal brand or career brand on their communications? Is there a place for title/function/industry career brands as a tool in job search? How does the personal brand feed into the career brand?
Having worked with these issues as a Personal Branding Strategist helping technology executives in transition be successful, I have a general opinion at this point in time:
1. Since employers demand and can get good job and culture fit, it is essential to provide the match in a candidate’s marketing materials and interviewing. I see this as non-optional in this new job search environment, where employers and recruiters can get 10 out of 10 of their criteria met. I see the appeal in an industry- and position-agnostic brand, particularly for people changing careers, but for someone progressing in their field I believe it is necessary to commit to title/industry.
2. The “personal” part of personal branding can be strongly reinforcing and a value-add for the career brand: values, attributes, commitments, unique gifts, etc.
3. As a practitioner in the trenches, I see how important it is for a candidate to integrate their personal and career brands in a very pragmatic, goal-focused way: to provide that fast match that the employer is seeking.
Is your personal brand integrated into your career brand and does your brand communicate what you do for a living? I think it's a good idea!